On 6/21/18, 11:01 PM, "Ryan Schmidt" <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:

    On Jun 21, 2018, at 16:46, Langer, Stephen A. (Fed) wrote:

    > Hi--


    > I'm making some progress in writing a Portfile for my project, but I'm 
stuck on one point.  The project's build script uses python distutils (which 
I'd be happy to get rid of but that's not likely to happen soon).   The build 
commands, outside of MacPorts, are


    > python setup.py build --3D

    > python setup.py install  --3D --prefix=/some/installation/directory


    > The Portfile contains this:


    > build.cmd           ${prefix}/bin/python2.7

    > build.args          setup.py build  --portdir=${prefix}

    > build.target        ""

    > use_parallel_build  no


    > destroot.cmd        ${prefix}/bin/python2.7

    > destroot.args       setup.py install --skip-install-name-tool

    > destroot.target     ""

    > destroot.destdir    --prefix=${destroot}${prefix}

    It won't affect the issue you're having, but from an organizational 
standpoint, build.cmd and destroot.cmd should be "${prefix}/bin/python2.7 
setup.py", build.target should be "build", build.args should be 
"--portdir=${prefix}", destroot.target should be "install", and destroot.args 
should be "--skip-install-name-tool".


    > The portdir argument to "setup.py build" is used to get the right -I and 
-L paths for the compiler.

    > This seems to work, in the sense that everything is compiled and moved to 
the correct locations, but the libraries don't have the correct install names 
and try to link to other libraries in the wrong locations.


    > The project consists of python files, C++ files that are compiled into 
simple python extension modules, and C++ files that are compiled into shared 
libraries that are used by those extensions.  Because distutils builds 
everything in a temp directory and then installs into a target directory, the 
setup script runs install_name_tool to fix the install names and rpaths in the 
libraries.   But now it's installing into ${destroot}, which isn't the final 
destination, so the script is giving the wrong arguments to install_name_tool.  
MacPorts must have the same issue, since it copies libraries out of destroot, 
so I hoped that I could ignore the problem and let MacPorts handle it.  I added 
the --skip-install-name-tool option to "setup.py install" to try that, but it 
doesn't work.  "otool -L" shows that the installed libraries have the wrong 
install names and are trying to link to libraries in non-existing locations, so 
rev-upgrade fails.  For example:


    > % cd /opt/oofports/lib

    > % otool -L liboof3dcommonGUI.dylib

    > liboof3dcommonGUI.dylib:

(compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)      ç Wrong

    >                 /opt/oofports/lib/libgtk-quartz-2.0.0.dylib 
(compatibility version 2401.0.0, current version 2401.32.0)

    >                 /opt/oofports/lib/libgdk-quartz-2.0.0.dylib 
(compatibility version 2401.0.0, current version 2401.32.0)

    >               [other correct lines omitted]

build/temp.macosx-10.12-x86_64-2.7-3d/shlib/liboof3dcommon.dylib (compatibility 
version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)             ç Wrong


    > So, how does MacPorts handle this?  Have I prevented MacPorts from 
solving the install name problem by redefining destroot.cmd?   Would xinstall 
fix it?  Should I run both the build and install phases of setup.py in the 
MacPorts build phase, and use the default destroot phase?  How do I do that and 
still redefine build.cmd, since destroot.cmd defaults to build.cmd?

    MacPorts handles it by setting destroot.destdir to DESTDIR=${destroot} and 
assuming that the project's Makefile will use that variable correctly, as a 
staging directory into which the files will be installed but which will not be 
used by the build in any other way. It is also assumed that there will be 
another variable (e.g. PREFIX=/opt/local) or configure arg (e.g. 
--prefix=/opt/local) by which we can inform the build system of the ultimate 
install directory, the one to which MacPorts will move the files from the 
destroot, and that the build system will correctly use that variable as the 
basis for library install names.

    If your project's build system does not support DESTDIR, maybe adding that 
support would be the best way forward. I'm not sure what the standard is in the 
land of distutils/setuptools for such support.

 If I change the MacPorts build phase so that it runs "python setup.py build 
install --prefix=${destroot}, then everything that MacPorts needs to install 
will be in ${destroot}/lib, ${destroot}/bin, etc.  Will the default MacPorts 
destroot phase work properly in that case?  How do I restore the default 
destroot after redefining build.cmd, since destroot.cmd uses build.cmd when 
build.cmd is defined?

-- Steve

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