On Dec 6, 2020, at 12:23, Murray Eisenberg wrote:

> I just installed the openscad port and find that nearly all its menu items in 
> the installed GUI OpenSCAD.app are in Russian, in which I’m rather rusty.
> How can that language be changed? I tried its preferences but found no 
> language setting (or at least didn’t recognize a Russian word or phrase for 
> doing that).

Check the list of languages you have configured for macOS in System 
Preferences: Language & Region, and check what values are set in your shell for 
the environment variables LANG, LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES.

> I do note that the port is for a rather old version of openscad, namely, 
> 2015.03-3, whereas the current version of source listed at 
> https://www.openscad.org/downloads.html is 2019.05.

Please file a ticket in our issue tracker assigned to the port's maintainer 
asking them to update the port, or submit a pull request updating the port.

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