On Dec 6, 2020, at 16:00, Murray Eisenberg wrote:

> On 6 Dec2020, at 3:49 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Dec 6, 2020, at 12:23, Murray Eisenberg wrote:
>>> I just installed the openscad port and find that nearly all its menu items 
>>> in the installed GUI OpenSCAD.app are in Russian, in which I’m rather rusty.
>>> How can that language be changed? I tried its preferences but found no 
>>> language setting (or at least didn’t recognize a Russian word or phrase for 
>>> doing that).
>> Check the list of languages you have configured for macOS in System 
>> Preferences: Language & Region, and check what values are set in your shell 
>> for the environment variables LANG, LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES.
> In System Preferences > Languages & Region I have, in order, English, Greek, 
> and Russian as preferred (as I need the latter two for certain purposes when 
> using LaTeX).
> Environment variables:
>       [~] % echo $LANG
> en_US.UTF-8
>       [~] % echo $LC_ALL
>       [~] % echo $LC_MESSAGES
> I.e., the latter two variables are empty.
> Removing Russian from the System Preferences list _does_ change the OpenScad 
> GUI’s menus to English. And then adding Russian back in, but in response to 
> prompt designating English as primary, leaves the OpenSCAD menus in English.

Ok great, then your problem is solved. This may be a gettext bug that was fixed 
in version 0.20, which we don't have in MacPorts yet. There is an open PR but 
there are some things we have to do before we can accept it.

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