On Dec 6, 2020, at 18:40, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

> I was thinking about port mpkg or port mdmg as an alternative, but since it 
> looks like that may put its files in the same place as the MacPorts 
> installation on which it was created does, it's not practical for anything 
> except transferring e.g. a small set of ports (and with the m... variants, 
> those that they depend on) to another machine (same OS, or should later OS 
> probably work too, DEPENDING on quirks of components?) to another system on 
> which there won't be a complete MacPorts installation. Am I right about that? 
>  (see below for an OMG all the dependencies! listing of the xar mpkg file)

port pkg/dmg/mpkg/mdmg are a way to create macOS installer packages. Yes, they 
install to the same place that the ports would install, so please do not use 
port pkg/dmg/mpkg/mdmg if your prefix is /opt/local if you intend to distribute 
it to others; instead, build MacPorts in another prefix corresponding to your 
project name, such as /opt/myproject.

Ports built on one OS version very likely will work on subsequent OS versions 
but possibly without optional features that only became available on that new 
OS version.

> And to Make It Worse, I suspect ffmpeg may build with optimizations that may 
> be dependent on specific hardware (CPU instruction set extensions, etc), so 
> even aside from the possible license issues, it may not be particularly 
> portable anyway.

If so, we should fix that.

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