It is a little odd that one of the package receipts is not named

but instead is named

>> MacPorts 2.6.4 was released before Apple released macOS 11.1. We did not yet 
>> know how the version numbers of macOS and the macOS SDK would progress under 
>> macOS 11. We made a guess based on what had happened in macOS 10.15 and 
>> earlier, and we guessed wrong. We have corrected the code already and it 
>> will be included in a future version of MacPorts.
>> macOS 11 users can ignore this warning until that future version of MacPorts 
>> is released, with the caveat that it is still important to have both Xcode 
>> and the command line tools installed, so users should manually verify that 
>> this is the case, not just once but periodically, especially after an OS 
>> update, since macOS has had a bug which deletes the CLT receipt, thus 
>> preventing the CLT from showing up in software update. Also do make sure 
>> that you have a matched set of Xcode and the command line tools -- and I 
>> think that perhaps you do not, possibly due to the aforementioned macOS bug. 
>> See
>> The warning is occurring because you are using a version of macOS (11.1) 
>> with a version of Xcode and/or the command line tools that does not contain 
>> an SDK of that version. You say you are using Xcode 12.4 but Xcode 12.4 does 
>> contain the 11.1 SDK so if the port you are seeing the message with is using 
>> Xcode, then you should not see this warning.
>> Most ports do not use Xcode; they use the command line tools. So it is 
>> possible that you are using a version of the command line tools that does 
>> not contain the 11.1 SDK. You can check what SDK it contains by listing the 
>> contents of the directory /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs. Assuming 
>> that MacOSX11.1.sdk is not in that directory, you should probably reinstall 
>> the Xcode 12.4 version of the command line tools per the link above (or by 
>> downloading from the Apple developer web site) so that you have a matched 
>> set, which will probably eliminate the warning.
> I believe my machine has command-line tools and SDK which match the Xcode 
> version, and has a package receipt for them also.  I could be wrong, but I 
> will show you why I believe that, and the details of my case might be useful 
> to you because there is perhaps a little twist which I will get to.
> You can see that there are two SDKs here, including the one that you expect, 
> and the name MacOSX.sdk links to it too:
> % ls -l /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs


> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   14 Feb  6 16:23 *MacOSX.sdk* -> MacOSX11.1.sdk

> drwxr-xr-x  8 root  wheel  256 Jul  9  2020 *MacOSX10.15.sdk*

> drwxr-xr-x  7 root  wheel  224 Nov 30 07:33 *MacOSX11.1.sdk*

> I am not sure which package receipt specifically is important, but I have 
> these:
> % pkgutil --pkgs | grep -i cltool





> This machine is about one week old.  One of the very first things I did was 
> type 'git' to the shell, which caused macOS to offer to install the Command 
> Line Tools.  I said yes, and was happily using git and the compilers and 
> other tools for several days.
> Then later, when I decided to install MacPorts, I read that Xcode is required 
> so I installed that.  When I ran Xcode once, Xcode itself offered to install 
> Command Line Tools (or maybe it was during the installation process--not 
> sure).  Anyway, I said yes again and still had command line tools.  And Xcode 
> version 12.4 (12D4e) too.
> So my guess is that the initial install of CLT, kicked off by trying to run 
> git, was maybe the 10.15 you see.  Then Xcode itself put CLT version 11.1, or 
> so it would seem.
> My conclusion is that I probably have what I am supposed to have.  If you 
> think otherwise, please let me know.  I assume that MacPorts in the new 
> version will also recognize that I have what I need and the spurious warning 
> would go away.
> Thanks for your detailed response, and I hope that these details of a typical 
> new use case might be useful to you in figuring out what MacOS looks like in 
> a non-upgrade situation.
>> If you update to macOS 11.2, the warning will come back, since there is no 
>> version of Xcode or the command line tools that contains the 11.2 SDK.
>> If you wish, you could build MacPorts base from our git repository to 
>> receive the fix early.

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