> On Feb 11, 2021, at 18:47, Todd Doucet wrote:
> > You can see that there are two SDKs here, including the one that you 
> > expect, and the name MacOSX.sdk links to it too:
> > 
> > % ls -l /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs
> > 
> > lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   14 Feb  6 16:23 MacOSX.sdk -> MacOSX11.1.sdk
> > drwxr-xr-x  8 root  wheel  256 Jul  9  2020 MacOSX10.15.sdk
> > drwxr-xr-x  7 root  wheel  224 Nov 30 07:33 MacOSX11.1.sdk
> This looks normal to me. As far as I can tell, it is normal for the Xcode 
> 12.4 command line tools installer to give you both the 10.15 SDK and the 11.1 
> SDK. Apple has changed their mind a few times about whether Xcode and the CLT 
> provide only the latest OS SDK or both the latest OS SDK and the previous OS 
> SDK, but right now they appear to be providing both latest and previous.
> > I am not sure which package receipt specifically is important, but I have 
> > these:
> > 
> > % pkgutil --pkgs | grep -i cltool
> > com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables
> > com.apple.pkg.CLTools_SDK_macOS110
> > com.apple.pkg.CLTools_SDK_macOS1015
> > com.apple.pkg.CLTools_macOS_SDK
> The first one is the one that MacPorts checks for (on 10.9 and later; on 
> earlier OS versions it has different names) and the one that we believe 
> Apple's software update checks for. You can verify which version of the CLT 
> you have by running:
> pkgutil --pkg-info=com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables | grep version
> > This machine is about one week old.  One of the very first things I did was 
> > type 'git' to the shell, which caused macOS to offer to install the Command 
> > Line Tools.  I said yes, and was happily using git and the compilers and 
> > other tools for several days.
> > 
> > Then later, when I decided to install MacPorts, I read that Xcode is 
> > required so I installed that.  When I ran Xcode once, Xcode itself offered 
> > to install Command Line Tools (or maybe it was during the installation 
> > process--not sure).  Anyway, I said yes again and still had command line 
> > tools.  And Xcode version 12.4 (12D4e) too.
> I do not believe that Xcode offered you to install the CLT; I have never 
> known Xcode to do that. Xcode does ask you about installing additional 
> components when it is first opened, and if you do not allow it, Xcode quits, 
> so you probably allowed it. But "additional components" and "command line 
> tools" are unrelated things.

Yes, you are correct.  I remembered my interpretation of what it said, but not 
what it said ("additional components") until you reminded me!

> > My conclusion is that I probably have what I am supposed to have.  If you 
> > think otherwise, please let me know.
> You stated you are running macOS 11.1, and you appear to have the 11.1 SDK. 
> Therefore I cannot explain why you are seeing the warning.

I am looking at the About This Mac box and it says Version 11.1.  And for 

% pkgutil --pkg-info=com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables | grep version


So I guess there is still a bit of a mystery.  If I get some time I will try to 
build the new MacPorts from source and see if there is still a warning.  (I 
presently do not rely on MacPorts for mainline code and it is very easy for me 
to nuke it and do a quick reinstall.)

> > I assume that MacPorts in the new version will also recognize that I have 
> > what I need and the spurious warning would go away.
> I assume that as well. If you'd like to confirm it, you could install the 
> latest unreleased MacPorts from source.
> On Feb 11, 2021, at 19:07, Todd Doucet wrote:
> > It is a little odd that one of the package receipts is not named
> > 
> >     com.apple.pkg.CLTools_SDK_macOS111
> > 
> > but instead is named
> > 
> >   com.apple.pkg.CLTools_SDK_macOS110
> I do not have enough experience with macOS Big Sur to be able to say whether 
> that is normal or unusual.

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