My friends i phones touch screen gets disabled when he's making a call
but its jail broken so i'm not sure how this works when one uses the
propper o.s.
As far as the touchpad on laptops goes, i'm guessing that it would be
no different to me using a macook running leopard; at the moment, i'm
typing and my fingers or arms aren't anywhere near the touchpad.

On 14/06/2009, Jessi and Goldina <> wrote:
> hey guys,
> I'm sending this to both list cuz it applies to both. I'm just curious.
> since there's the trackpad in snowleopard and the touch screen on the
> iphone, wouldn't they both get activated accidently? my mom had a
> touch screen phone once and she traded it in for a blackberry cuz she
> couldn't stand the touch screen. everytime she talked on it, she kept
> accidently pressing buttons on the phone and she kept ending her
> calls. would this be an issue with the iphone? or is there a way to
> disable the touch screen when youre actually in a call?
> also, it would be the same on the mac. since you can now control
> voiceover with the trackpad, wouldn't you accidently control things
> with your wrists while you're typing? or is the trackpad so much out
> of the way that you wouldn't hit it while you were typing?
> >

Kind regards, BEN.

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