Hi there everyone,

I am wondering if anyone has had luck using FaceBook and VoiceOver.
I use it quite a lot. Only I point Safari to the m.facebook.com site.
I can update my status, check my friends' status, read and write notes
and wall posts. But there are some things that either do not work on
the m.facebook.com site or aren't an obvious option.

Example I follow our local Fox station WDAF Fox 4 out of Kansas City.
I also fallow Showbiz Tonight and Nancy Grace both of HLN network.
When any of these three post a story and get a heap of comments it
will show. that tey have x number of comments. Normally you can click
on that and read the comments then leave your own. But I'm finding if
there are more then like ten when you click the add comment button on
the status page, rather than taking you to the list of comments it
will take you to a page that just has the person's status, then leave
a comment, and a text box and all. If you click on the comments from
this page you are taken to a page not found thing. Same if you click
on someone's profile that is "just fans".

However if you use the normal full featured fb page www.facebook.com
with a bit of stuborness on the part of VO you can somewhat get
through the pages.

I seem to have a lot of trouble getting around the normal FB page as
VO seems to jump over whole bits of page. Just doesn't see them or
What I want to know is if any of you use the normal FB site how do you
do it? How do you have VO set? I really would like to know because I
feel I am missing out on much that FB has to offer.
Thaks for taking the time to read and for any help you may have.
Best wishes

p.s. if anyone is interested I welcome new friends. my fb profile is
www.facebook.com/blueskyes or just search my email addy which is

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