Hello again, I just joined and am now browsing the group archives so to speak 
and I came across a lot of mention too the iphone which surprised me. I know 
the new model has built-in voicover but it still uses a touchscreen (not even 
just a scrollwheel with some buttons, I know that that can work from my 5.5g 
imod and rockbox experience but a full touch screen) so I was rather sceptical. 
I know there is some kind of voice recognition software inside but how far will 
that get you and how good isit? I once heard it on an old nokia and was NOT 

I am very interested in this iphone sinc eI can get a new phone in october, 
havebeen using the nokia 5`19 classic with talks. Talks does not support too 
many applications though.

My brother will probbably get this phone in a few months too (he is sighted 
though) and sinc eI am an audiophile it is good to know that according to a few 
of my head-fi acquaintances the sound quality is very good too.

Thanks in advance for any information,

Greetings, Anouk,

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