In the voices pane of the Speech window of Voice Over Utility, there are 
several categories of speech that can be tailored with different voices, speech 
rates, pitch etc.  The various categories are: Default, Context, Status, Type, 
Attributes, and finally, Voice over menu.
The VO command arrow hotkeys for changing rate, pitch, voice, volume etc now 
only affect the “default” voice category.
I know this because when I press those hotkeys, I hear “default Voice”, 
“default rate” etc, and that tells me only the default category is being 
changed. Default handles things like header row labels in Mail’s message table 
and so forth, Whereas the Content category handles actual data. For example, in 
textedit, the actual text of a file is considered “content” and the VoiceOver 
settings for content affect how text is read. But, the speaking of menus and 
toolbar items are controlled by the Default category of voice options.
 So, if you use the VO command arrow keys to change speech rate, only the menus 
and toolblbar items will speak at the slower rate, and the actual text, or 
content, will continue along at its original rate. 
The only way to change the rate of “content” is to go into VO Utility and 
change the content rate. The VO command hotkeys won’t change that category of 
voice options, as they now only affect “default” category.
Try checking the box for “additional voice Options”  after the default options 
and you’ll see all the other categories of speakable items and their voice 
They’re mostly all set to use the same settings as the default category, but 
the VO command hotkeys won’t affect them.
I don’t ever remember seeing the “category” field in this window under 
Hope I’ve made the problem clear.
Is anyone else encountering this, and how have you gotten around it?
How do you change the rate of speech when reading a textedit file, or any 
content for that matter?

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