You can use cmd-v but cmd-o still works as far as I know in iTunes on the Mac; 
then you navigate to what you want to add to your library.

>> As for audiobooks, I am a little confused. Are these books on your iPhone 
>> and iPad only or are they on your computer? The reason I ask is that you 
>> mention "automatically add" which would make me think they are on your 
>> computer but you also mention "transfer purchases" which I think means they 
>> are on your iPad or iPhone. In most cases, you can add an audiobook with 
>> cmd-o but then might have to go into options with the cmd-i (getinfo) dialog 
>> and change it to audiobook. But I do remember there was a thread not too 
>> long ago about some kind of problem with iTunes audiobooks but I don't 
>> remember the substance since I rarely buy audiobooks from iTunes.

You also mention going to the iTunes store but of course books there wouldn't 
be ones you bought unless you are looking in purchases; this is probably what 
you meant. You would probably have to choose the music radio button and also 
the my music radio button in the next group of radio buttons or at least not 
have the itunes store radio button selected. Then under "more" would be 
audiobooks and then to the right of that the my audiobooks radio button. That 
should bring up all your audiobooks. Maybe you already knew all this but I 
thought because I had questions about what you wrote I would post this anyway.

"Move forward by looking back!
"Above all, fear the Lord
and worship Him faithfully with all your heart;
consider the great things He has done for you."
(1 Samuel 12:24 (HCSB)

On Jan 28, 2015, at 9:31 PM, The Believer <> wrote:

  I believe I just used command-v to paste both music and movies into the 
automatically add folder and all that is fine in iTunes. It actually went quite 
fast compared to my previous failed attmetps.

  But am unable to add a couple audio books I had bought and which are on both 
iPhone and iPad. Automatically add does not do it and < does Transfer 
Purchases. Went to the iTunes Store and found old books I do not want, but the 
two do not show up.

  I got both devices synced to the Mac now (used Windows before) but its not 
clear why the books are not in the iTunes library. If I can get this fixed I 
can move to another project.

>From The Believer. . .
. . . what if it were true?

On 1/28/2015 11:26 AM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
> The important caveat is that when you put stuff into the Automatically Add to 
> iTunes folder, you must do so atomically, i.e. move, not copy.  You can do so 
> using the Command-C to copy, then Command-Option-V to move strategy.  I must 
> admit that I find myself using Terminal more and more for simply moving items 
> from Downloads into the auto-add folder, though if I thought about it, 
> there'd be a way--if tedious--to do it exclusively using the Finder.
> It is OK to tell iTunes, using the Add to Library option, to add your 
> existing Music folder in your Home folder; sometimes when the library gets 
> corrupted you can do that to simply restore access to all your media.  This 
> is also a great way to reveal duplicates.  iTunes never adds to its catalog 
> any media file that it already knows about, so this operation is completely 
> safe.

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