
That isn't the case.

I called Apple developer support, and they helped me out. They've merged it into one program now, so the one 99 dollar payment covers you for all 3, Safari, I O S, and OSX.

I really think however that Apple is making things way more confusing with how they have things now set up. Though I like not having to spend twice as much money, the sacrifice is, they've revamped the developer web site, and trust me, in some ways, not for the better. It works ok, but there is a major problem which I'll write about shortly, and no, it won't break NDA doing so, as I'm going to keep it very general.

To get to the OSX download, you need to  go to

Don't sign in though.  On this page, click on the link that says Resources.

Now, on this page, find the link that says OS 10.

From here, click on the link for 10.11 Capitan, and then finally click on

Now, you'll see a link to sign in. Click that link, and log in with your Apple ID. Then, finally, click download again. Now the app store should open asking you to sign in to redeem your code. Again, for? a? third! time! sign in with your ID. Isn't this fun? LOL! Not? Now, finally your code will be redeemed, and the download should start. Once done, like other versions of OSX, it'll pop up and start the installation process.


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