Hello Will,

It would certainly be good news if there were a Mandarin Chinese voice added to the Infovox iVox voices from Acapela, since their voices are very well tested for use with VoiceOver. However, unless you have more direct information from them than has appeared in the exchanges on this list, and beyond the replies that David Niemeijer (CEO of Assistiveware) posted to your suggestion that they add such voices, it would probably be better not to speculate.

There's a Mandarin voice sample on the Loquendo voice demo page:

As far as I know, none of the Loquendo voices have been developed for use with VoiceOver on the Mac (so that they follow the speech control API's that allow the voices to work integrally with the Mac OS X). Some developers are using those voices for text to speech on the iPhone and iPad.



william lomas wrote:

i think acapella are doing a manderin voice

On 24 Apr 2010, at 14:14, Esther wrote:

Hi Shen,

I'd like to know if there are Mandarin voices to use with VoiceOver, too. There are Japanese voices that worked with VoiceOver under Leopard from DTalker, but I don't know if they've been updated yet for Snow Leopard. Here's the link to my post to Yuma on this subject from the archives:
(Japanese voice for the Mac)
There are some language learning programs that include voices for text to speech, such as the Key2009 software:
I haven't tried these, so I don't know whether they're accessible, but the voices only do text to speech within the application program.

The iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad have Mandarin and Japanese voices with VoiceOver on their version of the operating system (OS 3.1.2 or OS 3.2). However, switching voices is inconvenient. The iPad (OS 3.2) has introduced a language rotor, which simplifies this. The iPad is currently the Mac platform that would best support Mandarin, although the iPhone operating system and applications are more limited in capabilities than Mac OS X on the regular Macs.




Shen wrote:

Does anyone know where I can get Japanese and Mandarin voices to use
with VoiceOver.


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