Hi all.

I have some very good news to all none-english-speaking people who are using 
VOiceover in other languages than english:
I've noticed that there are some very critical translation errors in the danish 
version of Voiceover, which simply doesn't make sence, or which totally confuse 
people. here is an example:
In the danish version of Voiceover, the dollar sign has been translated to kr. 
which is our kind of money. This is a great idea, but it's a very big issue 
when reading prices in online shops. You need to read character by character to 
check if it's a dollar sign, or if it's shown kr. on the website to make sure 
you've got the right price.
There are some other issues like this, and I contacted the Accessibility team, 
and tried to explain the issues. I got a mail back where they wrote they would 
send the mail to the right team. Well, I waited in two weeks...
Two weeks later, I got a mail from one of the guys who translate VOiceover into 
other languages, and he said he will do the best to understand my issues and 
fix the mis-translated words. We wrote some mails together, and finally, we 
come up with a salution:
I should write a document, where I explained all the issues, write the 
suggested translations and then send the document to the team, and then they'll 
look at it.
I've now finnished the document, and now I need your help:
I've heard that some of the same issues also are in the Swedish and the 
Norwegian versions of VOiceover. If some of you have found other issues in 
other languages in Voiceover, please contact me off the list.
My plan is to send my document with the issues I've found in the danish 
translation, and send it to you to see if the same issues are in your version 
in your language. My goal is to find all issues in the translations of 
Voiceover, explain them, come with suggested translations and get it all fixed.
THe guy who have contacted me from the translation team is very friendly, and 
is very interested to fix any errors. Therefore, it would be really great if we 
could find all errors in all translations, and fix them to help people who 
aren't very good at english. I'm running a danish mailinglist for visually 
impaired Mac users, and it's not all who speak english there, which means it's 
a big issue for them if Voiceover isn't translated correctly.
Here is what I need:
People  who use Voiceover in an other language than english which also is an 
experienced VOiceover user.
I need as many people as possible to get people who know as many languages as 
If you are interested, please contact me off the list so we can continue the 
discussion there, since I assume people who only use Voiceover in english 
aren't very interested in this topic. If people who only speaks english are 
interested in the topic, I'll of course continue the discussion here on the 

I hope to hear from you...
Best regards
Søren Jensen
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