Hi Bryan,

Searching the Mail Archive is really much easier than doing the Google Groups 
search. -- I can search what has been posted in the macvisionaries list faster 
than I can search mail on my own computer and get better results with less 
effort for a simple query than when I use a Google serach.  It supports Boolean 
arguments, wild cards, date, ranges, etc. I don't even have to use most of 
these to get a good result.  Even better, it supports access key command 
searches that let you read up and down the list by time or by thread.  These 
work for any browser, if you substitute the correct access key,  For Safari 
(with VoiceOver on), the access key is the Control key.  That also means that 
if I find a match I can read up or down the thread with Control-N (for next 
post) or Control-P (for previous post).  This cuts through a lot of extraneous 
material.  On high volume lists, I can also read the list directly through the 
mail archive site when I'm traveling or away from my computer.  The default 
mode is threaded, but I can switch to time ordered by using Control-I and then 
read through with Control-B (back to previous post by time) or Control-F 
(forward to next post by time).  To go back to threaded mode by contents I use 
Control-C. This is really very powerful, and I'd say that my most effective use 
of the macvisionaries archive dates from discovering that the list was archived 
at the Mail Archive and finding out about the search and wild card options.  
For example, I can find any of your posts by typing:
From:Bryan in front of my search terms.




Bryan Smart wrote:

> Hi Esther.
> I don't really see a problem with adding mail archive, except, why is it 
> needed? Google Groups already show up on many search indexes, not the least 
> of which is Google. Is there some other advantage?
> I take your point about setting the list to not be public. I guess that it 
> doesn't happen as much with traditional listservs because they aren't so easy 
> to discover  automatically with a computer program. With closed lists, join 
> requests must be manually approved, and I hate adding too much admin work. 
> Anyway, I'll do this for ptaccess. Thanks again.
> Bryan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Esther
> Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 4:48 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: New list for Pro Tools discussion [was Re: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is 
> finally out]
> Hi Bryan,
> Can you please set up the new list so that it is archived at the Mail Archive 
> and searchable?  Read the FAQ for how to do it:
> <http://www.mail-archive.com/faq.html#newlist>
> It only took about 10 minutes of fiddling back and forth to do this
> for the vimacaudio list, with none of us knowing how this worked.
> Since then, there's an extra step, so read the document.  This will save 
> people having to repeat and type in questions many times, as on the viphone 
> list.
> And please change the "anyone can join" status before you get spammed by 
> people looking to find Google groups they can join and post to for 
> advertising --- that's what happened when the macvisionaries list started up, 
> and it's why the list is not just open.
> Thanks,
> Esther
> On Jun 11, 2010, at 09:38, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> There is now a list for people that just want to discuss Pro Tools
>> from an accessibility perspective. It's hosted on the Google Group
>> PTAccess.
>> To directly subscribe, send an empty message to:
>> ptaccess+subscr...@googlegroups.com
>> The group's web page is here:
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/ptaccess
>> Presently, we only know of the 8.04 update for Pro Tools LE being live
>> on Avid's site. MPowered and HD will soon follow, but Avid is just
>> releasing the update, so the others might take a few hours.
>> This update is for many other improvements besides just accessibility,
>> so Avid is quite busy with getting it out there.
>> Please be patient.
>> Bryan

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