I'm using XP.
Yes, I've been looking into the music folder since I'm also using Foobar2000.
There is weird folder and file-names as described in my first mail.
Den 22.10.2010 08:10, skrev James Mannion:
Have you investigated if you go to your music folder in windows, not
sure if you are using windows xp or windows 7 or something else. Under
vista based systems like win 7, if you type music in the windows start
menu search box it should bring up your music library. Under there
should be an itunes folder. Within the itunes folder there are several
sub folders, but the one labeled itunes media or something with the
word media in it should have subfolders for all of your stuff. There
are also some other folders at the same level as the media folder that
may be useful. Under XP I think it would be under my documents and my
music under there where you would find the itunes stuff.

On 10/21/10, David Hole<balubathebr...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Hi folks
I need help here!
About 12 hours ago, I had to reboot my windows-machine.
Fter that I fired up iTunes.
In itunes there were a bunch of music that had lost their tags...
Everything from album and artist names and titles. All track-numbers and
album-numbers seemed to be there.
I don't know if the music it-self is somehow corrupted, but I hope
not... Maybe someone can say anything about this...?
Since the tags and stuff is messed up, also the folder and file-names
are totally messed up.
Is it possible in some ways to revert to something that works?

I'd like to add that I have a huge music library, and I've heard that
iTunes is bad at handling large libraries at all.

Hope that someone can help me out...
I'd be very pleased if so.
Kind regards David

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