Hi Yuma,

For more details on the custom order 13 inch Macbook air, check this Apple web 
page that compares the specs of the 11 inch and 13 inch models.
This is in table format, with two options for each model, with different base 
flash storage (64GB and 128GB for the 11 inch; 128 and 256 GB for the 13 inch). 
 However, each of these models (11 inch and 13 inch) can have the processor for 
the higher end version upgraded from i5 to i7, but only by custom order from 
the Apple Online Store.  In addition, for the 11 inch models you can upgrade 
the memory of the lower end model from 2GB to 4GB, or the flash storage 
capacity of the higher end model from 128 GB to 256 GB, but also only by custom 
order from the Apple Online Store.  I'll paste in the information detail for 
the 13 inch model MacBook Air you were asking about.  They refer to the model 
versions by price ($999 and $1199 for the 64GB and 128GB flash capacity 11 inch 
MacBook Airs, and $1299 and $1599 for the 128GB and 256GB flash capacity 13 
inch MacBook Airs):
<begin quote>
1.7GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 with 3MB shared L3 cache

$1599 model configurable to dual-core 1.8GHz Intel Core i7 with 4MB shared L3 
cache, only at the Apple Online Store.
<end quote>
Note the words "configurable …only at the Apple Online Store".

If you're trying to use the iOS Apple Store app to order, you won't have 
customization options.   I think you have to use the Apple Online Store through 
the web browser to get to these.  Try putting "apple online store macbook air" 
into your Google search field in Safari, and you should come up with the link 
to the page to buy the MacBook in the online store.

Can't answer your question about the Jambox Bluetooth latency with the new 
MacBook Air, since I don't have the new model Air.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Sep 6, 2011, at 04:39, james walton wrote:

> I can only answer the first question.
> You need to customize the air.
> That is what custom order means.
> On Sep 6, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Yuma Decaux <jamy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm about to upgrade to the new macbook air and had 2 questions.
>> My local apple reseller told me there was a custom order macbook air 13 inch 
>> with core i7 256 ssd and 8 gb of ram. But i can't find it anywhere on the 
>> applestore. Did the sales person just stuff up there?
>> Now this second question is for those who own the new mba as well as a 
>> jambox.
>> I read on the specs that the new mba has bluetooth 4. If paired with the 
>> jambox, do you feel any latency between keypress and audio output?
>> Thanks for any clarifications
>> Best regards,
>> Yuma

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