OK, so you're probably looking at my subject line going, what the... heck? Hear me out. Yes I was kind a kidding in the subject, but this actually is a true legitimate question, I swear. LOL!

So, I can't speak for the macbook airs, nor for the macbook pros of any flavor, but I know at least that on the white polly-carbon standard macbooks, if you look on the back of the screen, pretty much about in the dead smack center, you're gonna feel ingraved cut into the plastic, a very tactal outline of an apple. I know, you're probably going, yeah? so? Here's the catch. I dono if yall knew this, but, I have a bit more vision than just light preception. I can't read the screen, not even close, but I can see shape, color, light, and sometimes depending on the setting, even some very noticeable facial expressions, so I'd say my vision loss is pretty significant, yes, but nowhere near total, thank God. With this said, I dono if yall knew this, but as long as the macbook's screen is up... opened rather, and as long as the system is on, who cares if you're booted or if you have a crashed paper weight, God forbid, bottom line is, as long as it's opened and the unit is powered on, that apple actually lights up. No, I'm seriously not? kidding! Ask a sighted person if ya don't believe me. And believe me, it's pretty much as bright as the screen would be at 100%.

Even hitting fn+F1 (as my keys are set to software by default, not hardware...), to dim the screen, that doesn't decrease the brightness of the l e d in that apple. So aside taking a drum set stick and going kurbango, Sm'm'mash! w'w'wack, on the thing... ok, I'm kidding, LOL! Seriously though... is there a way less distructively, LOL! to somehow use a 3rd party app, or maybe something to modify the efi and allow me to have that stupid thing that does us blinks no good aside draining our batteries quicker, not light up at all?

Honestly, it's driving me crazy!

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