Well Google did it again. Not sure how anyone in the world can say
google cares about accessibility and the fact that there is a Google
Access Twitter account is absolutely laughable. They changed how
Google search results come up, and go figure you used to be able to
click on search tools as a lot of time I need to search for results in
the last week, now I can't seem to find that anywhere. Just a bunch of
inaccessible pop down boxes and stuff when you click on it it does
nothing. How anyone in the world can think Google is a progressive
thinking company when it comes to accessibility blows my mind. And
someone of you are excited for the google self driving car? Seriously
you are going to trust a company to put you behind the wheel that
can't seem to ever made one positive step forward with their search
engine or google apps. Seriously it is laughable. Anyway, had to vent
a little, but if anyone has figure out how to do a search for the last
week or 24 hours, please do let me know

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