
I agree completelly about this. The X11 is good choice because
it gives user freedom of choise. Why do you like to take this
freedom away ?

I don't like to have GUI war. I just think that to offer most wide
application support for 770, there should be support for both
toolkits, Qt and GTK.

Yes, this is very ideal thing on desktops. Only problem is when you have both GTk and Qt applications that more flash/diskspace and memory will be consumed. When I ran both applications (Gnome desktop and khexedit) on my oldish desktop, it started to slow down. Think about the 770, which has very little amount of flash and ram. Of course it is possible to fith both (in fact, here has been tested both on the device), but system load would increase really. At least for follower devices which have more hardware capabilities this is not a big problem, but for now in official releases it won't be too probable.

Anyway there is some other problems, for example many of the interactions like input methods are designed to work with GTK+. Some work should be therefore spent here to get them also Qt compatibility. Maybe there could be made some sort of compatibility layer which would allow some things to be compatible with each other (like theming, input etc). (unfortunately I'm not too familiar with Qt to actually tell how it would actually be done...)

Amulation is of course one option, but as it always goes, emulation always slows things down. Of course, it might be really fast but I haven't heard that anyone would be working on that, and I don't know if someone is actually even going to look at that.



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