> For simple static images it not gonna be too much of a problem ( FP
> API ) but in an animation where things are getting called over and
> over again its pain :(.
> Its kind of dissapoiting cairo never got a fixed point api ( though it
> probably would have seemed a little wierd to lucky FPU owning folks )
> . A possible future solution could be a GL like api offering similar
> api calls but each taking different argument types ( fixed and float
> ).

I wonder why the API should make such a bit difference - I am quite
sure that cpu/memory throughput is far more a problem. The ARM9 in tne
770 is quite a bit, well, turkey ... and to fill a 100x100 shape which
is quite a bit more complex than a rectangle needs many million
You can see this when benchmarking the X11 implementation of the
device - quite nice but to fill a larger pixmap  with a color takes
ages of course.

Btw. a simple test to see wether its really the FP API which causes
the bad performance would be to render the whole stuff into a very
small surface and see wether the performance improves a lot.

lg Clemens
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