Hi Dieter,

Quoting Dieter Govaerts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

1) As is stands now, I would probably have to implement a virtual
filesystem on the mobile device which would require me to develop the
necessary systemdrivers for it. Is there a driver development kit
available or is this included in the SDK?

checkout FUSE (http://fuse.sourceforge.net/), it should work on the 770 and you
would just need to compile the fuse modules so no need to mess with the kernel

2) Is it possible to develop such a driver in a reasonable timeframe? I
don't want to spend a few years finishing my Master thesis. I'm not
afraid to dig deep for this, I just want to know if it can be done by 1
person or if its better to stick with M$ on this.

FUSE is in userspace, and since userspace is easier to debug, etc...


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