On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 12:36:52PM -0200, Eduardo de Barros Lima wrote:

>    The ghostscript you have working on the device was installed with
> app installer (in /var/lib/install)?  It would be nice if you sent us
> the debian package.

I haven't packaged it up yet, but will post packages as soon as I get a 
chance to do so. In the meantime it does build and work out of the box
if you want to build your own copy.

Ghostscript itself is designed to run on devices smaller than the 770, 
so I wouldn't say it's too heavy. However the current footprint is
quite large (around 8 MB with all the fonts and library files). A lot
can be done to reduce that, of course, which is what I want to work on
first, as well as a better front end.

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