> well, regardless these SUN bureaucratic/formal issues,  you could also
> ask yourself about how would be the look of j2me apps running on such
> a device. I mean, would  them fit in properly on this pretty large
> screen. In general, j2me aims cel phones (PDAs have a bigger
> screen/resolution support, I know), but its available-free-sdk widgets
> are not the at rich. 
A J2ME Personal Profile (successor of Personal Java) exists and is aimed for 
PDAs. The Personal Profile includes AWT. And, it shouldn't be a great problem 
to port eSWT from Eclipse to the Nokia 770, if J2ME Personal Profile is 
available on it, especially because a GTK based SWT allready exists.  

> So, I'd suggest you , at least, porting an 
> proprietary j2me, with customized widgets for the 77'device/maEmo, but
> in this case, Nokia'd have to 'step in' on the process ...
Sure J2ME must be ported to the device including AWT.

> Btw, talking about game development on j2me, ok. there are some good
> ones. 
Java is running on the Sharp Zaurus well. And there are also some small nice 
games which also runs well on the Sharp Zaurus, for example Super Foul eggs.

But Java is not only for games. IT would be nice on the Nokia 770 for other 
programs also. And a J2ME Personal Profile engine on the Nokia 770 also would 
make it possible to port eRCP http://www.eclipse.org/ercp/ from eclipse on 
it, which would be nice for future development of programs which could be run 
not only on the Nokia 770. Btw. eRCP is also available for Nokia series 80 

> Just don't forget about performance issues, since it's an 
> interpreted language.
Java normally uses some sort of JIT Compilers. This is also true for Jeode on 
the Zaurus. Btw. the ARM CPU in the Nokia 770 offers with Jazelle a Java 


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