On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 01:30 -0700, Brad Midgley wrote:
> hey
> I decided to try the swap partition on my flash card and it made a HUGE
> difference. Even with only 25mb swap (30mb wouldn't work for me), now
> memory is not nearly the concern it was. I can run multiple apps, look
> at complex pdf documents, etc. Just like I expected my 770 to do in the
> first place!

What do you mean "30mb wouldn't work"?  I put a 32meg swapFILE on the
64meg mmc I received and it worked fine (/proc/meminfo and /proc/swaps
showed swap usage, and I could get numerous things running with out
problems.  Now I'm trying to partition a 512meg MMC into two partitions,
and neither 128meg nor 64meg of swap as a dedicated partition
(/dev/mmcblk0p2) works.  As soon as I issue swap on, the "low on memory,
close some applications" window pops up.  I can immediately exit the
shell, but if I wait too long, I start getting "sh: can't fork" (a usual
OOM sign).  If I can get back to the home interface, I can't do anything
and it keeps telling me "Not enough memory" or some such.  It did
hardcrash, auto-reboot at one point also (I assume an OOM condition).

Is there some upper limit on the size of the allowed swap file on this
arch?  I could get 32meg to work, but you say you couldn't get 30?

I swear I saw something about the max size of the swap file for the 770,
but I can't find it now.


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