
it looks like when there is no service and non-maemo specific process is launched it runs with nice value of -1 i.e. it has higher priority than normal (example scummvm port). If it has service defined it has normal priority (example gaim). Both have similar .desktop files but the maemo specific one has some additional lines with service name etc.

Why the priorities differ? Can I tweak the priorities from the desktop file to set scummvm back to normal? Problem with scummvm is that the sound skips when it has higher priority. I suppose it is because sound daemon priority is lower.

One can find it with ps in xterm. scummvm has sign '<' if launched from menu. One can change it via renice command. renice 0 PID removes '<' renice 1 PID and above shows 'N'.

Is this bug or design issue?

Also what is the correct syntax for desktop file if I need to launch shell script and prevent it from being killed? Is it possible? I cannot find list of maemo specific properties and their values and there is not much information here
or here http://www.maemo.org/platform/docs/howtos/howto_new_application.html#Creating-desktop-file

Also the freedesktop specification does not help much

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