On Tue, 2006-01-31 at 00:51 -0700, ext Greg Morgan wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I like wikis. ;-)  Edit; Save; Instant publication;  Includes CVS; and
> no Docbook to learn.
> I have been working on the seed document that was out on the wiki.  I
> googled and found what I believe a fiasco image is.  I have tried to
> make a hello world example by showing how to query the device.  You can
> see my work so far. http://maemo.org/maemowiki/Flasher_tool_usage
> LOL. 
Good work! Thank you!

>  I set /bin/bash as the shell for the root user in the /etc/passwd
> file and couldn't gainroot again.  So I started playing with the flasher
> as I was ready to make the device usable again for root.
> Several questions:
> * Can someone post what each module of the fiasco image would repair?
> It almost looks like the device uses a two stage boot loader, etc.  For
> example would one key file fix the problem I describe above.
Let's look at the flasher output:
./flasher -F image.bin
Found image 2nd (length 8576)
Found image secondary (length 79360)
Found image xloader (length 13824)
Found image initfs (length 1581824)
Found image kernel (length 1481856)
Found image rootfs (length 57802752)

2nd, secondary and xloader are bootloaders, kernel is kernel :), initfs
is like initrd, and rootfs is root filesystem.

So, mentioned problem can be solved by reflashing only rootfs image. 

> * There are a list of RandD flags.  I could not easily determine these
> from the "strings flasher" command.  Can someone throw them in the wiki
> page and I'll format them if you don't have time?  Oh is the flasher
> source available?
> * It looks like some params have secret handshakes too.  I could not
> find the correct values for -flash-only <arg>
Possible options are "nolo","kernel","initfs" and "rootfs". 
"nolo" is for both secondary and xloader bootloaders.
You can specify them in any combinations, for example:

sudo ./flasher --flash-only nolo,initfs,kernel -F image.bin -f
Found image 2nd (length 8576)
Found image secondary (length 79360)
Found image xloader (length 13824)
Found image initfs (length 1581824)
Found image kernel (length 1481856)
Found image rootfs (length 57802752)
USB device found found at bus 002, device address 050
Found board Nokia 770 
NOLO version 0.9.0
Sending X-Loader image (13 kB)...
100% (13 of 13 kB, avg. 710 kB/s)
Sending secondary image (77 kB)...
100% (77 of 77 kB, avg. 956 kB/s)
Flashing X-Loader... done.
Sending kernel image (1447 kB)...
100% (1447 of 1447 kB, avg. 998 kB/s)
Flashing kernel... done.
Sending initfs image (1544 kB)...
100% (1544 of 1544 kB, avg. 997 kB/s)
Flashing initfs... done.

As you can see it flashed only 3 mentioned components.

> * -u [arg] does that mean I can unpack one file from the fiasco?  All my
> attempts extracted all the files.
arg is output dir, I beleive:
sudo ./flasher --unpack ttt1 -F image.bin
Found image 2nd (length 8576)
Found image secondary (length 79360)
Found image xloader (length 13824)
Found image initfs (length 1581824)
Found image kernel (length 1481856)
Found image rootfs (length 57802752)
Unpacking 2nd image to file 'ttt1/2nd.bin'...
Unpacking X-Loader image to file 'ttt1/xloader.bin'...
Unpacking secondary image to file 'ttt1/secondary.bin'...
Unpacking kernel image to file 'ttt1/zImage'...
Unpacking initfs image to file 'ttt1/initfs.jffs2'...
Unpacking rootfs image to file 'ttt1/rootfs.jffs2'...

> * -load, -l I cannot figure out the value of just loading a file without
> flashing it.  Do I follow on with another command to flash?  How so?
> All other options look to flash and load in one pop from the host PC.
> How do I load a file and then flash later if that is the intent?
I think that -l command is for loading  kernel image into device's memory.
You can load kernel image and then run it.
Frankly speaking I haven't tried this thing. This is probably for
debugging needs.

> * --serial-port, -S <arg>;  --initialize-port, -I <arg> Ok what do we do
> here?  Is this the right cable http://ucables.com/ref/DEJANRS232 for the
> pins in the battery compartment
> http://www.karoliinasalminen.com/blog/?page_id=68 ?  If so then how do
> you use power via battery and the serial cable at the same time?
I only know that -S specifies serial port number for cold flashing.

> * --set-root-device <arg> what are the advantages to this?  Can You swap
> RS-MMC cards with different configurations?
> * --boot, -b [arg] Now this looks fun.  Is there a list of known values
> for the kernel?  Can you set single user mode or switch to runlevel
> three with these boot options?
Theoretically yes, but in practice It doesn't work, at least for me:

$ sudo ./flasher --boot="root=1f03 rootfstype=vfat foo=bar" Suitable USB
device not found, waiting
USB device found found at bus 002, device address 058
Found board Nokia 770 (F4)
NOLO version 0.9.0
Using kernel command line: "root=1f03 rootfstype=vfat foo=bar"

... booting. log in ...
cat /proc/cmdline
root=1f03 rootfstype=jffs2 time

It seems that bootloader runs kernel with some hardcoded commandline,
but I may be wrong.

> * --cold-flash, -c when would and how would a person cold flash a
> device?  I presume the documented USB method is a "hot flash".
Coldflashing is used for initial flashing or for flashing device which
can't be flashed normal (hot :)) way. It requires 2nd bootloader to be
flashed through serial connection.

> Thanks,
> Greg
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