Ed Bartosh wrote:
On Tue, 2006-01-31 at 00:51 -0700, ext Greg Morgan wrote:
Oh is the flasher
source available?
* It looks like some params have secret handshakes too.  I could not
find the correct values for -flash-only <arg>

Possible options are "nolo","kernel","initfs" and "rootfs". "nolo" is for both secondary and xloader bootloaders.
You can specify them in any combinations, for example:

sudo ./flasher --flash-only nolo,initfs,kernel -F image.bin -f

Hello Ed,

Is the flasher source available? Is this 'flashing some parts of the image' functionality available in windows version of the flasher?

I am doing everything related to N770 programming in colinux instance with debian on windows XP. But to flash only the kernel I need to boot linux on different machine. Is there some possiblility of making the linux flasher source available? If it uses libusb there is a chance that it may compile in cygwin or mingw without major changes because libusb is ported to windows and works.

Or alternatively I would be happy with declaration/parameters for the flasher.dll. Looks like the windows wizard is written in Visual Basic 6 and just calls into flasher.dll for all the work.

Having advanced flashing from windows for developers would be really nice.


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