On Sunday 26 March 2006 16:15, Neil Jerram wrote:
> >> libfakeroot: connect: Cannot assign requested address

> For the record, I've now managed to avoid these errors by moving my
> maemo work to a higher spec machine.  (Specifically, from a Pentium
> III 800MHz with 128Mb RAM, to a Pentium III 935MHz with 256Mb RAM.)

> Of course, it could be that some other factor in the move was
> relevant, such as the way I installed or used scratchbox (with the
> benefit of more experience), but my guess is that performance was the
> main factor.

You are running out out tcp/ip local port range. Linux kernel will assign a 
static amount of local ports on your system startup, with a quite low default
for systems with little ram (1024 ports minimum afaik). 
use /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range to set the range. Non-ancienct 
versions of scratchbox have already measures against this issue.
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