ext Ted Zlatanov wrote:
> On 30 Mar 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> "Me too". (I had a fairly long response that I decided not to send, suffice
>> it to say my use-case is VKB or bluetooth, with periodic out-of-mem crashes 
>> mixed in for fun. And I support our new open-source overlords :) .. 
>> seriously, it would be really nice to have multiple choices. I'd love, for 
>> example, to put the numbers and menus on the same side so that I could use 
>> it with minimal wrist movement. And I'd kill for an unshifted '-'.)
> Other ideas:
> - Dvorak layout
> - Origami-style keyboard (radial from a corner, probably better under
>   Fitt's law) - see the billion preview pics for a sample

Some *personal* opinions about origami keyboard : It looks nice and
scifi but needs a large screen. I have a feeling that it's like one of
these really futuristic shaped winamp skins, you try them once just to
see the shape/graphics and then turn back to classic one because it's
much more usable and you know where all the buttons are.

> - full-screen keyboard for more and larger keys
> - global abbreviations as in PalmOS
> Of course, full Bluetooth keyboard support would also be very nice
> (right now you need 3rd party status bar applet, and xterm has the
> Enter key issue).  Bluetooth mice are also something I would love to
> use on the 770.
> Ted
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