On 22/06/2006, at 2:21 PM, Frantisek Dufka wrote:

Steve Landers wrote:
So, I have a few questions
- are the plans for alsa support to be re-added to IT2006?
- does anyone have the alsa driver built as a module that can be added to IT2006?

some things previously in kernel are modules now, have a look in / mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current there are some sound modules there

Yes - I looked there. Nothing that stands out as being an alsa driver - snd_hwdep and snd_rawmidi being the closest but neither appears to provide the functionality of the inbuilt Alsa drivers in IT2005 nor the Alsa support referred to in the Maemo documentation. And, unfortunately, I cannot find any documentation on how to use these modules.

- can anyone offer insight as to why I can no-longer reflash the n770?


Thanks - I made the mistake of assuming that since I was able to flash the 770 to IT2006 beta on OSX, then I could reflash it using the same. Oh well.

BTW the mailing list is searchable
see also
http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/engine? list=maemo&do=search_results&search_forum=all&search_string=unsupporte d+board&search_type=AND

Yep - did that. Nothing on Alsa, and I missed the flasher-2.0 connection.

Many thanks for your help.


Steve Landers                     Software Design Solutions
Digital Smarties                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Perth, Western Australia          DigitalSmarties.com

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