I created a .deb for i386 and installed it in Scratchbox with dpkg -i. Result is that DBUS was looking for "com.nokia.grsync" service, while in grsync.service service's name is defined as "it.opbyte.grsync"; I changed my .desktop accordingly:


and it worked!
Now I still have to understand why it doesn't come up hildonized!

2006/6/27, Luca Donaggio < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

2006/6/27, Marius Vollmer < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
"ext Luca Donaggio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> - After installing, the Application Manager on real device put my
> application into the Extras menu folder; this is what I wanted,
> except that an Extras folder already existed on my system and the
> app. Manager duplicated it!

Hmm.  How did the first "Extras" menu came into existence?  Did you
create it manually?

The "Extras" menu is kind of special and the Task navigator might get
confused when you create a menu named "Extras" yourself.  One way to
get back to one "Extras" menu, I think, is to move all entries into
the menu that contains the entry added by the Application manager and
then to delete the other, now empty menu.

You're right. It has been created by the App. Manager after installing osso-xterm; then I moved it to the Utilities folder and the Extras folder (now empty) disappeared. I re-created it and moved osso-xterm beck to its former place, so yes, I (sort of) created it manually.

> - My app. doesn't start at all from the task manager, despite having
> .desktop and .service in the usual places and even doing proper
> osso_initialize on startup.

The location of the .service files changed from IT 2005 to IT 2006
(because of a change in D-BUS): they are now in

And that's the place where my .service file is. Here it is:

# Service description file
[D-BUS Service]

and here is my .desktop:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=GTK+ frontend for rsync

The Task navigator is unfortunately quite silent about what is going
on behind the scenes, but you should get some output when running it
in Scratchbox.

If I run it inside Scratchbox ( run-standalone.sh ./grsync), I got no errors at all. Do you mean I should try to make a .deb for the PC target and install it into the SDK and lanch it from the Task Navigator there?

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