Hello again list,

I just survived a reboot loop the the device got into, after reflashing the firmware. After setting EVERYTHING up again, the same situation:

After finishing all the configuration and getting back to development, I:
1. added some repositories
2.through ssh as root I did an apt-get update;apt-get upgrade
3. first time it failed, since I didnt have various binary utilis in the root's path (isnt this a "bug"? why should I have to append stuff to roots $PATH?)
4. After fixing $PATH, the configuration/installation started happily. Various packages needed upgrading. Only to stop during mid-flight, cause the nokia decided to reboot. And from then on, constantly rebooting.

Why on earth is this happening, and why does it not happen to everybody doing software updates? Is there something I can do except from reflashing and NEVER again try to apt-get upgrade?

Thanks in advance,
maemo-developers mailing list

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