Frantisek Dufka schrieb:

As for feedback and suggestions I would suggest to actually have two disk images - one normal debian/ubuntu with useful tools installed (mtd-utils, ..) and second one mounted to /scratchbox specific to maemo release. This one will change when moving to newer scratchbox/maemo and you can keep several such images if you wish but still use same basic system.

Blame the guy who made the first live CD! He should definitely make a
new live CD for the current Maemo. As a side product, it would be easy
to provide a configuration file for the VMware Player plus a HD image to
turn the ISO of the Live-CD into a full-fledged development environment
inside VMware.


Mattias Schlenker  / Autor + EDV-Beratung + Linux-CD/DVD-Konzepte
Freyunger Str. 42 /  Fon +49 851 9441369 oder +49 160 7352988
D-94034 Passau   /
Germany         /    Skype: Mattias.Schlenker

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