Here is *my* top 10...there is every chance that some/all of these are implemented/thought about already and I just haven't discovered them yet but like you say we are shooting for the stars,no .

1.Everything that is visible on the screen should pertain to the task at hand...desktop icons,nokia images etc etc need to go
2. I want working virtual desktops.
3. I want to be able to project the 770 screen ...s-video out?
4. I want a hardware button called copy and another one paste
5. I want good diagnostic tools...when i can't get a wireless network connection I want to know why
6. Add a download manager - for example gwget2 - by default
7. I want the UI in Portuguese as well as English
8. I want a user-friendly,P2P-social-tagging-capable wiki embedded into the OS. It is not only the basic Wiki features, but also the collaborative features, social tagging and the ability to see the Wiki in a hastily formed network thats important. This would allow Nokia to focus some 770 marketing on small groups (children, teaching, family, friends etc) and the need for collaboration on their activities. Sort of like a collaborative tomboy http://www.beatniksoftware.com/tomboy/
based on tribe.net
9. Most 'social software' is just a web service where people write or publish for other people....their diary, their images, their boomarks etc. Other people watch it, use it, or read it. Actually meeting some of these people....talking/collaborating with them on the Web would be something I would call 'social'...sort of like meeting in a bar or something. Building something like Web Mobs (http://www.webmobs.de) into the 770 would be (i think),cool. It shows real people on Web pages. (from what i can make out this is just a concept and not (yet) a technological implementation you could use)
10. Where is that microphone hidden on the 770 again?


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