Hi George,

George Farris wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-23-11 at 20:31 +0200, Stefan Kost wrote:
>> Hi George,
>> George Farris wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2006-14-11 at 18:42 +0200, Tommi Komulainen wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 2006-11-13 at 09:50 -0800, ext George Farris wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 2006-13-11 at 11:47 +0200, Tommi Komulainen wrote:
>>>>>> Here is a list of issues raised on this list I think have not been
>>>>>> concluded so far, in no particular order. The easiest way to get off the
>>>>>> list is to provide answers, but you can also try convincing me other
>>>>>> ways.
>>>>> Please also include working Bluetooth headset support or lack there of.
>>>>> http://maemo.org/maemowiki/BluetoothHeadset
>>>> Please try to phrase it as a question, the more specific the better (I
>>>> don't really have any clue about Bluetooth and related issues.) To me it
>>>> seems somewhat like an advertisement for a howto or something, which I
>>>> don't believe is what you mean.
>>> Well from the web page in the link:
>>> Note: It appears that, due to limitations in Nokia's current Bluetooth
>>> driver on the 770, you can not actually use a bluetooth headset.
>>> Everything will appear to work, except that you won't get any audio out:
>>> [WWW]http://maemo.org/pipermail/maemo-developers/2005-December/002191.html
>>> Please provide a working driver for bluetooth audio, both in and out.
>> Please consider that we are not stupid. If it would be that easy we
>> would have done it. Having working bluetooth headset support is so dead
>> obviously useful, that it is impossible that we have overlooked it. Have
>> you ever tried to get it running under linux? Yes it needs work. So
>> please be patient, its done when its done. If you want to speed it up,
>> join the bluez guys and help them out.
> I'm sorry, did I insult someone here?  I didn't think so.  I merely
> provided data and a link reference.  I at no time suggested or made any
> personal or derogatory comments.  
> You, said you didn't have any clue about bluetooth and I merely pointed
> you to the information, which is what I thought you wanted.  In fact I
> treated you with competence and intelligence to read the information and
> go from there.
Then I am sorry. The "Please provide a working driver for bluetooth
audio, both in and out." phrase is a bit demanding and I thought ti can
from you.


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