On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 16:13:57 +0900, 박영훈 wrote:

Hello all,

> suddenly I received it from my boss to test our application

Make sure it uses the current firmware release.

Check "Control panel > Device > About Product".

It should be "Version 2.2006.39-14".

If not, get http://www.maemo.org/downloads/nokia_770

and get the flasher program from

Note that device needs to be turned off before flashing. 
See the wiki
http://maemo.org/maemowiki/  ,

> So I installed Debian 2.6.8 and checked 770 detected as a USB storage
> disk

What it detects is the MMC card inserted into the lower right edge of the
device. You don't have remote access to the root tree.
I do use it for uploading files though.

The Nokia 770 file manager has a very dumbed-down interface (sigh...)
so the only way to do something useful [as a programmer] with the device
is to install:

1) A terminal: osso-xterm-advanced:

(Don't use the non-"advanced" version, backspace key is broken there)

2) A ssh server: dropbear:

Note that after installing ssh, drop your ssh public key into
"/home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys" on the device (I usually have to use
the browser on the device to download my public key from my homepage -
after all, its _public_ :) - and then use xterm to put the file there...
yeah, that sucks).

Then you can log in from your PC by doing
"ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (the IP is assigned by the router DHCP and can be
seen in the terminal - "ifconfig wlan0")

Then log in to the device and then do: "passwd -l root" in order to
disallow direct root logins. Details see wiki.

A list of applications is there:


> I think I must setting up usbnet function 

I don't really know about usbnet. Note that the Nokia 770 has wireless
networking out of the box. Much easier when you have a wireless access
point somewhere :) (just click the little globe at the top right screen

So I didn't have a need for usbnet yet :)

Note that in order to become root, you have to 
1) set the device in R&D mode and
2) call "sudo gainroot" in ssh or xterm

For 1) do: 
"./flasher --enable-rd-mode --reboot" on your PC with the Nokia 770
connected via the USB cable. Note that device needs to be turned off
before flashing. See the wiki http://maemo.org/maemowiki/  ,

Hope that helps.

Dear Nokia, could we automate
1) uploading an ssh key
2) obtaining the IP address

For 2) does it announce availability via rendevouz-like stuff? Then
ssh key management would still be nice. Hmm... I smell my next project.


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