On Sat, Nov 25, 2006 at 05:38:34PM +0000, Danny Milosavljevic wrote:

> (Don't use the non-"advanced" version, backspace key is broken there)

Hmm. Works for me.

> Dear Nokia, could we automate
> 1) uploading an ssh key
> 2) obtaining the IP address
> For 2) does it announce availability via rendevouz-like stuff? Then
> nevermind. 

It announces the hostname (which isn't what you get from the hostname 
shell command, btw) in the dhcp request, so if it's easier to check your 
router's dhcp table, or it it does internal dynamic dns, you can get the 
IP that way.

It doesn't do mdns hostname advertisement though. Someone should package 

The IPHome home (desktop) applet is also useful for getting the IP 


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