I know there is good reason for that (so everybody can rebuild it) but
this puts additional burden to package maintainers. I just uploaded
scummvm binary deb but have to remove it if this is requirement. I don't
have time to package also tremor, libmad and limbpeg so you can rebuild
it properly. Also scummvm build process currently crashes with internal
compiler error in Kyrandia engine and one file must be build with
different compiler flags by hand. I know this is specific issue (which
will probably go away with next compiler) but still there are the
dependencies and others may have other reasons why rebuilding directly
from source doesn't work or isn't easy.

I have a similar issue with xmame.  It relies on semi-extensive
makefile customization for each arch/cpu/set of prefs, and it would be
less than fun to script this for an automated build.

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