On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 11:46:38 +0100, Martin Grimme wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that there are good reason for the compatibility
> problems, such as more recent libraries on ITOS 2007. If ITOS 2007 uses
> a Cairo-enabled GTK version (and I guess it does), then there's no point
> in running ITOS 2007 on the 770. It would be too slow.

There's a lot of speculation in the above.

I have no information about what version of GTK is used on the newer
model, but I hope the meme of "GTK and cairo are too slow for
embedded" will die soon. We in the cairo community have been working
hard to make a lot of improvements during the cairo 1.3.x snapshots,
(and particularly performance improvements for machines without
hardware floating-point units).

I know that some people in this community are aware of these
improvements, (see an earlier reply showing a blog posting with
tessellator performance improvements, for example).

If people still have test cases that show that cairo (as of 1.3.10 or
later) is slowing down GTK+, please send them to me. I'm not really
aware of much significant that is left in that area, (or my memory is
failing me).


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