Hello Antonio,

I think is that what we really need is better user input. At first I
was thinking
that screen input would work for games but after trying bomberman
I am positive this is not the way to go. Some flash games are nice for kids
I can recommend http://www.schooltv.nl/teletubbies/funandgames/index.html
if you happen to have dutch speaking kids.
Because of the stylus input kids can really understand a game a very young age.

Anyway what I did was to buy a wiiremote (for 39 euro), apparently it
should be possible
to connect that to the nokia's. and that would really be cool!.


I have kept my idea a bit "secret" because I would really love to
hack around with this gadget. But there are so many fun things to do
so I guess there a tons of people who will be as motivated a I am to
port the code co c and SDL.

Having this should really pump up the fun.The webcam can also be nice user input


On 1/22/07, Antonio Orlando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd like to advance a proposal, mainly to Nokia's Tableteer site

There's no need to explain why a better gaming experience on the internet
tablets could boost user-base: of course, for a "high-level" portable
gaming experience we'll buy a GBA/DS/PSP/GP2X etc.; I know 770/800 is not
a gaming platform, but if we have a 770/800 in our pocket, and we're in
gaming mood, and we have no money for a new good game for our GBA these
times, why not benefit of our ITB's (Internet Tablet) nice display and
touch screen?
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