
>> I have not measured, but currently OS2007 feels somewhat
>> slower than 2006.
>> But this can simply be because currently most binaries are
>> the same that are used for N800. So, recompiling the whole
>> stack with different optimizations is likely to give us some
>> speed bonus... But that may wait until we know what we can
>> get to work. Currently packages that have not worked
>> out-of-the-box are recompiled/reconfigured when encountered.
>> This work is still going on.
> So some of the stuff running on the 770 using os2007on770 has been
> compiled
> for the N800 (i.e. using ARMv6)?

Large part of the binaries are directly from the N800 image (I do not know
the exact compilation options used for those). Only those that I have
to modify somehow have been recompiled at this stage. So, the binary
compatibility between the platforms in surprisingly good (at least what
comes to those compilation options used for N800 binaries).

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