On Tuesday, February 06, 2007, at 04:19PM, "Levi Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> As an aside , installing xephyr on Debian from unstable seems to be a 
>> complete non-starter without ripping out all of your other x apps and 
>> windowing system and a replacing a whole host of other packages as well. So 
>> I tried XNest instead which has the benefit of being installable and 
>> working. Unfortunately not being able to find ab-sh-init.sh renders this all 
>> a bit redundant.
>This is contrary to my experience.  I was able to install xephyr on
>debian/sid with zero problems ( apt-get install xserver-xephyr ).

Considering I'm not running the unstable sid release I'd expect this to be the 
case. It would appear that trying to install Xephyr on stable results in a load 
of packages being required to upgrade to sid.

>> I also found that the installation script fails on debian when trying to add 
>> the scratchbox user if the user is already a valid unix user. Well duh! It 
>> doesn't look to me like it causes any problems - it's the last step in the 
>> process - but even so, does it imply I should be sticking to Ubuntu?
>This is also contrary to my experience - I used my normal username (on
>debian/sid) for my scratchbox, and it was perfectly happy.  I haven't
>used the very latest installation script, however, so this behavior
>may have changed.

Perhaps a defect in the latest script then.

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