On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 07:08:24PM +0300, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Hi,
> Daniel Stone wrote:
> > Hence, XRandR.  The only thing worse than designing a bad API, is
> > designing _another_ API.
> Hm. I think the API on Desktop for scaling window content is OpenGL.
> ;-)

Sure, but we don't have OpenGL support right now, and the only other way
is using a Render transformation for every op, which would be
mindblowingly slow.  RandR allows you to change the screen size.  This
is what pixel doubling does: it changes the size of the entire screen,

XRandR is a way to do this that doesn't end up making everyone angry.

> > If you can come up with a policy that works in corner cases, you're a
> > genius.
> It's evil that games change screen resolution, system changes
> should be controlled by system software instead of random apps.


> If it's enough that the whole screen is scaled instead of a window or
> specific update, for Maemo the XRandR approach could be joined with
> my earlier proposal.
> I.e. if window has certain property (say geometry=320x200), the window
> manager could use XRandR to switch the screen resolution when that kind
> of a window is on top/focused/fullscreen(ed).  When the window is not
> anymore focused/top/fullscreen or is closed, the previous/default
> resolution is restored. This way banners above the window wouldn't
> get the resolution changed (banners don't take focus), but dialogs
> (like power menu) would.
> Do you see any problems (besides getting these changes to Matchbox and
> SDL after adding XRandR support to Xomap)?

It's a shocking hack, but sure, if we desperately need to support this
kind of thing, then this seems like the most fail-safe option (the
current option arguably being the most desirable, as it limits the
damage).  Of course, having OpenGL support would be preferable, but
that's neither here nor there.

> <joking>
> Any chance of getting this into EWMH spec?
> </joking>

Ha!  You first.


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