Good to know. I built pcm.a2dpd2 and it doesn't seem to help. In all
fairness though, mplayer is chewing up just as much CPU as a2dpd since
it has to use libmp3 instead of the dspmp3 pass-through. If either end
could be further optimized then it might become usable, though perhaps
still not quite battery friendly.

Brad Midgley wrote:
> Jesse
> If you're using plugz it seems that you would be linking the external
> libsbc, not the version inside bluez. As of about two months ago, the
> standalone sbc project had our best version of the (mostly) 32-bit
> fixed-point codec. fwiw, the sbc inside bluez was only put there once we
> had it nailed down in the external project.
> the a2dpd2 alsa plugin was introduced by Frederic Dalleau to try to
> observe best practices for an alsa plugin (things in a2dpd plugin like
> usleep() calls were avoided) so you could try that next.
> there's some room for improvement in the sbc codec (see the todo list in
> sbc.c) and we may even see some of the Brazilian dsp masters try their
> hand at moving it to the dsp.
> Brad

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin
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