On Sun, Jul 08, 2007 at 12:58:43AM +0100, ext Neil MacLeod wrote:
> Can anyone from explain why the performance of SDHC cards is reduced when 
> compared with the performance of the patches made available for the 
> 3.2007.10-7 firmware? The new firmware achieves only 50% of the read 
> performance possible with the old patched kernel (5.6MB/s when 11.99Mb/s is 
> possible).
> I opened bug 1426[1] as an RFE for SDHC support and posted this question 
> there as a comment (with timings before/after) but as this bug is now 
> officially "resolved" I'm not sure anyone will read it, hence my reason for 
> posting here. I'd be grateful if someone can comment against the bug with 
> details explaining the need for the reduced performance.

Depends which sort of card you're using.  IIRC, some cards had problems
running at a higher frequency, so they have to fall back to lower


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