Jeffrey Barish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I find that uncommenting any of the audio output sections seems to do the
> trick.  I have the ALSA section uncommented now.

    But you weren't actually able to play anything right? I got a
    segfault during the playing of a file with alsa, not on the
    startup. Running mpd manually and then starting it playing, I see:
decoder PID: 1895
decoder (or child) got SIGTERM
copyMpdTagToOB: !acceptMetadata || !tag
main process got SIGCHLD
SIGCHLD caused by player process
player process died from signal: 11

    So I'd be interested to know if you can actually get it to output
    sound via alsa (assuming you get it to index files below).
> mpd is running now (according to ps), but I still can't get it to index any
> sound files.  I stuck a symbolic link in /var/lib/mpd/music to the
> directory containing my soundfiles (ogg).  I run mpd --create-db.  The only
> output I get is:
> current locale is "C"
> setting filesystem charset to ISO-8859-1
    How did you get this output? Did you try running mpd manually
    mpd --no-daemon --stdout --verbose --create-db
> The files in /var/log/mpd are empty.  Everything is owned by user mpd and
> mpd has permission to read and write.  I must have missed an important
> step.  Any idea?

    Are you sure that mpd has permission to read the directory
    containing your soundfiles? I'd try just copying over a file or
    two to /var/lib/mpd/music to test. I also haven't tested with ogg
    files so try copying over a mp3 file also to test.

    Also, as you manually ran adduser, you may have also missed out on
    some step in the installation script. Perhaps you could try
    installing the adduser package and reinstalling the package.
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