Richard, I'm sorry, but I don't comment Nokia development
in any way.

I do advice you to rely only the official information about
nokia devices. There is a lot of rumors going around.

About open development platforms. We continue the platform
work with ARM and it will be available to everybody. Not
only on Nokia devices on TI hardware. Also we provide
the open source replacements to the components that
Nokia has kept propriatary.


> Hi
> I read a reasonable review of the N810 here,
> I'm about to have a go at maemo development, but I have question about
> the future and openness to develop. The review linked above, touches on
> the possibility of a SIM version in the future. Hypothetically
> speaking, if Nokia go down the road of a SIM version, does this mean
> development and use of a tablet would become restricted, as blogged by
> Ari Jaaksi,
> Or does it mean the 3G bit would be sand boxed with an interface to
> use it, and everything else would be open as it is now on the N800/
> N810?
> Rich
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