
On Thu, 2007-11-01 at 19:26 +0100, ext Tim Teulings wrote:
> Should I again 
> request one project and hosts all applications there (which makes things 
> easier for me but might have negative consequences for my karma :-)

Do whatever makes things easier for you, your contributors and your
users. Don't let your karma be more important than yourself and the work
you came to do in maemo.org

Garage projects per se don't add much at the moment, this will change
when we are able to retrieve more data about them. Creating a Garage
project is just too easy nowadays and we can't differentiate between
those hosting heavy work from those stuck in planning phase.

Also, there isn't much point having a Garage project if the world don't
notice, this is why Downloads (including rates on your apps) and News
(including rates on your Garage news) get higher karma values easily.
I'm about to file an enhancement request to include number of downloads
as soon as we have some way to calculate them.

All this should help pushing to the top positions developers of
successful maemo applications.

But again, first things first: setup your maemo infrastructure in the
way that suits best to your development needs. Full stop.

> I can see that it is possible to link to homepages outside of garage. Is 
> this also possible for subversion (link to www.sf.net..., since I will 
> not move or duplicate the source to the garage subversion repository)?

Again, as you feel. Your profile is intended to introduce you, and you
decide how you want to introduce yourself.

Quim Gil - http://maemo.org

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