
isn't this exactly what garage.maemo.org is all about?
There you can have projects, mailing lists, share code, look for other
developers, etc.


2007/11/14, Sarah Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On ITT I have noticed person X,Y,and Z say that they are interested in
> various topics like location services or PIM and would be spending time
> investigating those topics.
> So far I mostly see this forum get used for very specific technical
> questions.  It might be useful to form  public but smaller, more casual
> communities for people to bounce ideas off of each other and exchange
> code (not necessarily on the same project,) maybe even coming up with
> libraries organically.
> Does this already happen?  If not is this something people would want?
> I have too many projects so I don't know how soon I would be using it
> personally. :(  But I thought I would bring it up.
> --Sarah
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